Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference and Exhibition on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering, will be organized around the theme “Innovating Petroleum Resources and Natural Treasures to Navigate the Future”
Petrochemistry Summit 2019 is comprised of 15 tracks and 110 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Petrochemistry Summit 2019.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Process engineering focuses around the design, operation, control, optimization and intensification of chemical, physical, and biological processes. Process engineering encompasses a huge scope of enterprises, such as agriculture, automotive, biotechnical, chemical, food, material development, mining, nuclear, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and software development. The application of systematic computer-based methods to process engineering is "process systems engineering".
Process engineering includes the usage of numerous tools and methods. Depending on the precise idea of the framework, processes need to be simulated and modeled using mathematics and computer science. Processes where phase change and phase equilibria are significant require significant in energy and efficiency. Conversely, processes that focus on the stream of material and energy as they approach equilibria are best analyzed using the disciplines of fluid mechanics and transport phenomena. Disciplines within the field of mechanics need to be applied in the presence of fluids or porous and scattered media. Materials engineering standards also need to be applied, when relevant.
- Track 1-1Ecology and environmental technologies
- Track 1-2Fossil technologies
- Track 1-3Fossil technologies
- Track 1-4Gas turbine technologies
- Track 1-5Production chemistry
- Track 1-6Hydrocarbon recovery mechanisms
- Track 1-7Petroleum and petrochemical engineering
- Track 1-8Chemmotology espects of petroleum products
- Track 1-9Hydrocarbon recovery mechanisms
- Track 1-10Computer aided process engineering in oil & gas industry
Hydrocarbon exploration (or oil and gas exploration) is the search by oil geologists and geophysicists for hydrocarbon deposits beneath the Earth's surface, such as oil and petroleum gas. Oil and gas exploration are assembled under the science of petroleum topography.
Visible surface features such as oil leaks, natural gas seeps, pockmarks (underwater craters caused by escaping gas) give fundamental proof of hydrocarbon generation (be it shallow or somewhere down in the Earth). In any case, most investigation depends on highly sophisticated technology to detect and determine the extent of these utilizing investigation exploration geophysics. Areas thought to contain hydrocarbons are at first exposed to a gravity review, magnetic survey, passive seismic or regional seismic reflection surveys to detect large-scale features of the sub-surface geology. Features of interest (known as leads) are exposed to progressively more detailed seismic surveys which work on the principle of the time it takes for reflected sound waves to travel through matter (rock) of varying densities and using the process of depth conversion to create a profile of the substructure. Finally, when a prospect has been recognized and evaluated and passes the oil company's determination criteria, an exploration well is drilled in an attempt to conclusively determine the presence or absence of oil or gas. Offshore the hazard can be diminished by utilizing electromagnetic strategies.
- Track 2-11Unconventional hydrocarbon resources
- Track 2-2Petroleum geology
- Track 2-3Geomechanics
- Track 2-4Geochemistry
- Track 2-5Rock physics and rock mechanics
Well completion is the process of making a well prepared for production (or injection). This primarily includes setting up the bottom of the hole to the required specifications, running in the production tubing and its related down hole tools as well as perforating and stimulating as required. In some cases the process of running in and cementing the casing is also included. After a well has been penetrated, should the drilling fluids be evacuated, the well would eventually close in upon itself. Casing ensures that this will not happen while also protecting the wellstream from outside incumbents, like water or sand.
This refers to the portion of the well over the creation or injection zone. The well designer has numerous devices and options available to design the lower completion according to the conditions of the reservoir. Regularly, the lower completion is set across the productive zone using a liner hanger system, which anchors the lower completion to the production casing string. The broad categories of lower completion are listed below.
- Track 3-1Under-balanced drilling (UBD)
- Track 3-2Sand & Scale control and management
- Track 3-3HP/HT technology
- Track 3-4Drilled waste management
- Track 3-5Virtual well engineering
- Track 3-6Pressure control in deep water drilling (DWD) environment
- Track 3-7Advancements in special drilling techniques
- Track 3-8Drilling fluids technology
- Track 3-9Horizontal, directional and thixotropic drilling
- Track 3-10Horizontal, directional and thixotropic drilling
- Track 3-11Advancement in industrial robots and cyber rigs
- Track 3-12Ultrasonic roles in deep water drilling (DWD)
- Track 3-13Quantitative risk and decision analyses in drilling operations
Industrial process piping (and accompanying in-line segments) can be manufactured from wood, fiberglass, glass, steel, aluminum, plastic, copper, and cement. The in-line parts, known as fittings valves, and different gadgets, normally sense and control the pressure, stream rate and temperature of the transmitted liquid, and usually are incorporated in the field of piping design (or piping engineering). Piping frameworks are documented in piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). If necessary, pipes can be cleaned by the cylinder cleaning process.
Transport phenomena are ubiquitous all through the engineering disciplines. Probably the most widely recognized instances of transport analysis in engineering are seen in the fields of procedure, chemical, organic and mechanical engineering, but the subject is a fundamental component of the curriculum in all disciplines involved in any way with fluid mechanics, heat exchange, and mass exchange. It is now considered to be a part of the engineering discipline as much as thermodynamics, mechanics, and electromagnetism.
- Track 4-1Electrical resistance tomography (ERT)
- Track 4-2Nuclear and high temperature piping
- Track 4-3Stainless steel corrosion controlled piping
- Track 4-4Transport Phenomena
- Track 4-5Design and analysis of piping and piping components
- Track 4-6International transportation projects
- Track 4-7Multiphase flow
The chemical industry contains the organizations that produce industrial chemicals. Central to the modern world economy, it changes over crude materials (oil, gaseous petrol, air, water, metals, and minerals) into in excess of 70,000 distinct items. The plastics industry contains some overlap, as most chemical companies produce plastic as well as other chemicals.
In spite of the fact that synthetic compounds were made and utilized since the beginning, the birth of the heavy chemical industry (production of chemicals in large quantities for a variety of uses) corresponded with the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in general.
- Track 5-1Enhanced oil recovery
- Track 5-2Fracturing fluids
- Track 5-3Oilfield chemistry
- Track 5-4Chemicals used in oil and gas production
- Track 5-5Nano-technologies used in oil and gas production
Coal gas is a flammable gaseous produced using coal and provided to the user via a piped distribution system. It is produced when coal is heated strongly in the absence of air. Coal gas contains a variety of calorific gases including hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethylene and unstable hydrocarbons together with little amounts of non-calorific gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Coal is also the source of countless mining and enduring supply of greenhouse gases.
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon utilized as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is also utilized as a fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the production of plastics and other industrially important synthetic compounds. Natural gas is called a non-renewable resource. Natural gas is found in deep underground rock formations or associated with other hydrocarbon reservoirs in coal beds and as methane clathrates. Petroleum is another resource and petroleum product found in close proximity to and with natural gas. Most petroleum gas were made after some time by two instruements: biogenic and thermogenic. Biogenic gas is made by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments. Deeper in the earth, at high temperature and pressure, thermogenic gas is made from buried organic material.
- Track 6-1Clean coal options
- Track 6-2Production of SNG from coal
- Track 6-3Coal processing
- Track 6-4Oil and gas diversification
- Track 6-5LNG market - Issues and trends
Petroleum is one of the main sources of energy in the World. Petroleum and its by-products are used to fuel various forms of transportation, industry and domestic electricity use. Petroleum is also used to manufacture plastics which provides products essential for daily life. Also, petroleum has helped create many products like cosmetics, tyres (rubber) pesticides etc. Over the years there has been increased concerns over the environmental effects of the petroleum industry. The environmental impacts of petroleum are mainly negative. This is due to the toxicity of petroleum which contributes to air pollution, acid rain, and various illnesses in humans. Petroleum also fuels climate change, due to the increased greenhouse gas emissions in its extraction, refinement, transport and consumption phases like Toxicity, Acid rain, Climate change, Oil spills, Volatile organic compounds, Waste oil.
- Track 7-1Potential energy conservation
- Track 7-2Global oil and gas depletion and its management
- Track 7-3Environmental issues and safety in oil and gas industry
- Track 7-4Occupational fatalities and safety compliance
- Track 7-5Risk assessment of hydrocarbon storage
- Track 7-6Analysis of clean energy options
Energy economics is a broad scientific subject area which includes topics related to supply and use of energy in societies. Due to diversity of issues and methods applied and shared with a number of academic disciplines, energy economics does not present itself as a self-contained academic discipline, but it is an applied subdiscipline of economics. From the list of main topics of economics, some relate strongly to energy economics:
- Computable general equilibrium
- Econometrics
- Environmental economics
- Finance
- Industrial organization
- Input–output model
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Operations research
Energy related issues have been actively present in economic literature since the 1973 oil crisis, but have their roots much further back in the history. As early as 1865, W.S. Jevons expressed his concern about the eventual depletion of coal resources in his book The Coal Question. One of the best known early attempts to work on the economics of exhaustible resources (incl. fossil fuel) was made by H. Hotelling, who derived a price path for non-renewable resources, known as Hotelling's rule.
- Track 8-1International oil prices
- Track 8-2Investing in oil and gas sector
- Track 8-3Leveraging regional energy resources through energy trade
- Track 8-4Oil & gas legal and regulatory challenges for enticing foreign investment
- Track 8-5Regional energy demand and supply outlook
- Track 8-6Strategies for oil & gas sector to raise capital
- Track 8-7Understanding of the opportunities and risks for closer energy collaboration
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services.The energy resources exist over wide geographical areas. The results of a recent review of the literature concluded that as greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters begin to be held liable for damages resulting from GHG emissions resulting in climate change, a high value for liability mitigation would provide powerful incentives for deployment of renewable energy technologies. In international public opinion surveys there is strong support for promoting renewable sources such as solar power and wind power.A raw material, also known as a feedstock, unprocessed material, or primary commodity, is a basic material that is used to produce goods, finished products, energy, or intermediate materials which are feedstock for future finished products. As feedstock, the term connotes these materials are bottleneck assets and are highly important with regard to producing other products. An example of this is crude oil, which is a raw material and a feedstock used in the production of industrial chemicals, fuels, plastics, and pharmaceutical goods; lumber is a raw material used to produce a variety of products including all types of furniture.
- Track 9-1Bioenergy
- Track 9-2Bio-refineries
- Track 9-3Renewables
- Track 9-4Biomass energy and feasibility
- Track 9-5Biomass process technology
- Track 9-6Green chemistry and green engineering
- Track 9-7Solar energy
- Track 9-8Regulatory aspects for sustainable alternative energy systems
A petrochemical industry accordingly is related to that segment of the chemical industry whose products are obtained from petroleum or natural gas hydrocarbons and utilized in chemical markets. It enjoys a dominant position in the chemical industry just for the reason that raw materials of high purity are abundantly available at low cost. Petrochemical are mainly organic in nature. They contain carbon compounds in combination with hydrocarbon, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. These are differentiated from inorganic compounds or mineral organic which contain elemental carbon, its oxide, metal carbonates and sulphides.
Industrialization plays an important role in the development process of a country. For oil based economy, its significance became more pronounced in view of heavy dependence of these economies on a single resource i.e. oil which is also non-renewable in nature. The growth of these economies has become so much dependent on the oil revenues that even a marginal reduction can cripple down their whole economic structure. Saudi Arabia embarked on a long term industrial planning to develop capital intensive hydrocarbon based industries, in which the country had potential comparative advantage.
- Track 10-1Building pricing mechanism and requisite infrastructure
- Track 10-2Analysis of clean energy options
- Track 10-3Energy infrastructure
- Track 10-4On-site power
- Track 10-5Partnership opportunities and addressing the cross border activity
- Track 10-6Partnership opportunities and addressing the cross border activity
- Track 10-7Plant performance issues
- Track 10-8Providing energy security
- Track 10-9Industry trends/competitive power generation
Chemical reaction engineering (reaction engineering or reactor engineering) is a specialty in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry dealing with chemical reactors. Frequently the term relates specifically to catalytic reaction systems where either a homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst is present in the reactor. Sometimes a reactor per se is not present by itself, but rather is integrated into a process, for example in reactive separations vessels, retorts, certain fuel cells, and photocatalytic surfaces. The issue of solvent effects on reaction kinetics is also considered as an integral part.
Reactor Design uses information, knowledge and experience from a variety of areas - thermodynamics, chemical kinetcs, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer and economics. Chemical Reaction Engineering is the synthesis of all these factors with the aim of properly designing a Chemical Reactor.
- Track 11-1Kinetics and mechanisms
- Track 11-2Fuel cell engineering
- Track 11-3Reaction and reactor dynamics
- Track 11-4Reactor technology
- Track 11-5Chemical thermodynamics
- Track 11-6New concepts and Innovations
Petrochemicals (also known as petroleum distillates) are chemical products derived from petroleum. Some chemical compounds made from petroleum are also obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as corn, palm fruit or sugar cane. The two most common petrochemical classes are olefins (including ethylene and propylene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene and xylene isomers). Oil refineries produce olefins and aromatics by fluid catalytic cracking of petroleum fractions.
A separation process is a method that converts a mixture or solution of chemical substances into two or more distinct product mixtures. At least one of results of the separation is enriched in one or more of the source mixture's constituents Processes are often classified according to the particular differences they use to achieve separation. If no single difference can be used to accomplish a desired separation, multiple operations can often be combined to achieve the desired end.
- Track 12-1Advanced materials processing
- Track 12-2Advanced process control
- Track 12-3Bioreactors and bioprocesses
- Track 12-4High pressure and supercritical processes
- Track 12-5Kinetics of complex, multiphase and hybrid processes
- Track 12-6Synthesis and design of processes
- Track 12-7Membrane processes
- Track 12-8Innovation and separation processes
- Track 12-9Innovation and separation processes
- Track 12-10Ionic liquids: new reaction/separation media
- Track 12-11Ionic liquids: new reaction/separation media
Modeling and simulation (M&S) at simple terms is a substitute for physical experimentation, in which computers are used to compute the results of some physical phenomenon. As it is apparent from its name "Modeling and simulation" As such, M&S can facilitate understanding a system's behavior without actually testing the system in the real world. For instance, to determine which type of spoiler would improve traction the most while designing a race car, a computer simulation of the car could be used to estimate the effect of different spoiler shapes on the coefficient of friction in a turn. Useful insights about different decisions in the design could be gleaned without actually building the car. In addition, simulation can support experimentation that occurs totally in software, or in human-in-the-loop environments where simulation represents systems or generates data needed to meet experiment objectives. Furthermore, simulation can be used to train persons using a virtual environment that would otherwise be difficult or expensive to produce.
- Track 13-1Mathematical modeling in chemical engineering
- Track 13-2Modeling of bioprocesses
- Track 13-3Simulation and separation equipment design
- Track 13-4Simulation, optimization, planning and control of processes
- Track 13-5Multiscale modeling
Catalysis is the process of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction by adding a substance known as a catalyst, which is not consumed in the catalyzed reaction and can continue to act repeatedly. Because of this, only very small amounts of catalyst are required to alter the reaction rate in principle. In chemistry, homogeneous catalysis will be catalysis in a solution by a solvent catalyst. Entirely, homogeneous catalysis alludes to catalytic reactions where the catalyst is in same stage from the reactants. Homogeneous catalysis applies to reactions in the gas stage and even in solids. Control over the local chemical environment condition of a particle can be accomplished by encapsulation in supramolecular host systems. In supramolecular catalysis, this control is utilized to gain preferences over established homogeneous catalysis in bulk arrangement. Two of the fundamental points concern impacting reactions as far as substrate and product selectivity. Because of size and additionally shape recognition, substrate selective transformation can be figured it out.
- Track 14-1Catalytic engineering
- Track 14-2Catalysts synthesis and characterization
- Track 14-3Catalytic and multiphase reactors
- Track 14-4Nano-structured materials, catalysts
- Track 14-5New catalytic processes
Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering that applies scientific principles to the fluid flow through porous medium during the development and production of oil and gas reservoirs so as to obtain a high economic recovery. The working tools of the reservoir engineer are subsurface geology, applied mathematics, and the basic laws of physics and chemistry governing the behavior of liquid and vapor phases of crude oil, natural gas, and water in reservoir rock. Of particular interest to reservoir engineers is generating accurate reserves estimates for use in financial reporting to the SEC and other regulatory bodies. Other job responsibilities include numerical reservoir modeling, production forecasting, well testing, well drilling and workover planning, economic modeling, and PVT analysis of reservoir fluids. Reservoir engineers also play a central role in field development planning, recommending appropriate and cost effective reservoir depletion schemes such as waterflooding or gas injection to maximize hydrocarbon recovery. Due to legislative changes in many hydrocarbon producing countries, they are also involved in the design and implementation of carbon sequestration projects in order to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases.
- Track 15-1Visualization applied to reservoir engineering
- Track 15-2Interaction and virtual reality applied to reservoir engineering
- Track 15-3Computer vision applied to reservoir engineering
- Track 15-4Phase Behavior of reservoir fluids
- Track 15-5Reservoir simulation
- Track 15-6Reservoir fluid sampling
- Track 15-7Wellsite sampling
- Track 15-8Reservoir laboratory testing